Some of the mystical travelers are who insist to disclosures and divine graces, if this person doesn’t find his desire from himself and his master, will cease to continue in Contemplative voyage and spiritual wayfaring, and appearance in weekly session, and to accomplish the master’s regulations that he had done before. We say to these persons that you’ve committed egregious astray at the first of spiritual wayfaring, and thus spoiled the fundamental purpose that you’ve moved for that.The intention and purpose is the brilliance mystical knowledge of God, isn’t it?All disclosures originate from imaginal world, sometimes obtain and sometimes don’t obtain. Whatever the mystical traveler gets closer to the world of reality, reduces these kind of his ego-centric desires in himself day to day until will be eradicated.My advice to these feeble persons is that must struggle to this kind of mentality until the heart of mystical traveler becomes pure only to acquire his mystical knowledge.From the aspect of correct mysticism it isn’t permissible to mention disclosures for other person (for this and that), unless consults with his special master.The Tazkerat Al-Awlia book, written by Farid al-Din Neishabouri is full of kind of these disclosures, and due to the above mentioned, I don’t advise reading of this book to every mystical traveler, unless he is been a mystical traveler who has been gained in levels of the spiritual wayfaring and could distinguish true and correct disclosures from unpleasant and incorrect.
Ayatollah Mohammad Saleh Komeily ( God graciously preserves him) Al-matalib Al-solokieh